

The moment a child starts going to school, the rat race begins. And parents are always waiting for that ‘Gold’. Most of the Indian kids are conditioned in such a way where their own parents limit their world and kids avoid taking risk in their lives.

With the changing time, it’s for the young people to decide that how do they take ‘Failure’ in their own life.

Colonel sanders, A man who started at 65 and failed 1009 times before succeeding is the renowned co founder of the yummiest brand “KFC”. His recipe was always rejected before this one ‘YES’!
Had he ever given up then we all wouldn’t have known KFC.


“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, how can you still come out of it”.
– Maya Angelou

Failure is very crucial in each person’s life because it changes you altogether as a person and most of all makes you humble. The moment we learn from our experiences, then there’s nothing that can’t be achieved.

With failures in life, one gets courageous and starts experimenting with their intuition. Many people give in to their fears and are still doing a job which they don’t like at all just to secure future.

“The things you regret the most are the risks you didn’t take”.
– Farhan Masood

With greater lessons learnt from past failing experiences, people have achieved so much and have become famous or rather celebrity entrepreneurs in society.
Work for your passion or you end up working for someone else who has it.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


Creative ideas – Vinod k Bansal
Content Writer – Sakshi Raheja

a stigma

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