
A Goal or A Trap?

Many of us don’t understand that money is and cannot be a real “goal”. Money is just a necessity to sustain our needs. A lot of people know what their true calling is, but they believe that it may not help them earn enough money to achieve their goals. The real question is what really is the true calling or your goal about? Is it to earn as much money as possible to achieve something materialistic, or is to do something that you really love and don’t ever get tired of doing while also earning money out of working on it?  

Steve Jobs never knew that he’ll become a billionaire, someday. He and his friend Steve Wozniak just wanted a personal computer but only because they couldn’t afford the ones that were in the market and considered them too impractical for them. 

They followed their passion, did what made them happy, what thrilled them and just winded up inventing The Apple 1 and then the rest of it is just history, that the whole world knows about now. He wanted to leave his mark on the world by doing something different than the rest of us. Well, that’s what happened, isn’t it? Incase you don’t remember then let me remind you Mark Zuckerberg, another billionaire. He just brought people together by creating Facebook and well, that got him the money he never even planned for. You see the point now?

Is your goal is to make money or to create something useful for the world?

Moral of the story: you don’t need to chase money to get what you want. You do what you want and money follows on it’s own when you do what you’re best at. When you put your best efforts everyday even on your greatest self. Money is just by-product not the goal. Running after it is like a hamster running on his wheel. It’s never ending, unfulfilling and the worst part of all it’s a TRAP. Earning money is not wrong but quitting on your passion only to earn more money than the others is what makes the whole concept a failure.

Content creation by: Vinod K Bansal 

Compiled by: Arya Kaul


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