About Us

Welcome to FMTL Academy an Educational Institute for the Stock Market and financial markets! We are a passionate team of experienced professionals dedicated to guiding investors and traders on their journey towards financial success. Our combined expertise and knowledge allow us to offer valuable insights and effective strategies that can empower individuals to make informed decisions in the dynamic world of finance.


CA Vinod Kumar Bansal
Leading the charge is CA Vinod Kumar Bansal, a seasoned veteran with an impressive track record of over 32 years in the stock market and various financial markets. With his wealth of experience, Vinod Kumar Bansal brings forth a wealth of knowledge and expertise in trading and investment strategies. His guidance has proven to be instrumental in helping countless individuals navigate the complexities of the market and achieve their financial goals.
Ankita Maheshwari
Ankita Maheshwari is a seasoned financial professional with over 15 years of experience in pro trading and a strong background in commerce. As a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and a graduate in commerce, she has demonstrated her expertise in the intricate world of trading and investment. Her profound knowledge of market dynamics is reflected in her adeptness at interpreting chart patterns, earning her a reputation for her sharp insights and accurate predictions.
Pranjal Goel
Pranjal Goel has done his BTech in Computer Science and Engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology. Pranjal is an avid reader and scholar in the realm of finance. Armed with an impressive list of qualifications, Pranjal has an in-depth understanding of the two renowned books, "One Up on Wall Street" by Peter Lynch and "The Snowball" by Alice Schroeder. By sharing the insights from these influential works, Pranjal enriches our clients' understanding of investing, equipping them with the knowledge to make wise and well-informed decisions in the market.
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